The Candlelight Trust
Registered Charity Number 1069103
Trustees: Mr. M.Barrett, Ms. R. Dunley, Mr. A. R. Reeves, Mr J. Goodey & Revd. P. Organ
What does the Candlelight Trust do ?
We raise funds to enable St John Baptist School to:
maintain the computer room and increase facilities for information technology
establish Family Literacy, Numeracy and Information Technology classes
support individuals within the community in order to increase opportunity and combat poverty
support educational projects which will increase aspiration and opportunity in our school community
We will co-ordinate a range of fund-raising activities, including:
appeals for donations
grant applications
links with industry and commerce (local and national)
bids to secure Government and European funding
fund-raising through events and publicity
.. and more !
What is the Candlelight Trust
St John Baptist school seeks to work at the centre of the community to increase the opportunities, aspirations and life chances of those in our local area.
The Candlelight Trust is a registered charity, established in April 1998 to meet the needs of all members of our local community, focusing on those families which do not have the advantages which many now take for granted.
The school is situated in the south-east London Borough of Lewisham, which has been classified as the 11th poorest borough in the country. This is a less affluent area with many children who are disadvantaged (don't be put off by the post code!).
The Candlelight Trust was formed to fund projects which increase access to new technology and provide opportunities for those children and families who would otherwise become excluded from society.

There are now a number of families who are able to provide very good facilities for their children to develop. They own up-to-date computers with the right software, not to mention 'Internet access'. Children have the opportunity to study at home, in a quiet place undisturbed by younger brothers or sisters. They are able to apply and reinforce the skills they have learnt at school. "Learning" for these children isn't something that happens only in the classroom. They visit museums, go to concerts and enjoy a range of activities outside school. When these children are asked to complete assignments using the latest technology, they do so with enthusiasm and confidence. When these young people enter the world of work, they are equipped with all the skills they need. They do not feel left behind; they do not feel excluded.
Not everyone is so fortunate
... and the gap between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' is widening.
What can be done ?

The Candlelight Trust set about increasing access to the latest technology - by building and fitting out a dedicated computer room. This was completed in 2003. There are now interactive whiteboards in every classroom, a wireless network with laptops and after-school access for the children.
Our second project

A new aim is to motivate all children to become lifelong lovers of learning by funding:
* an enhanced curriculum with exciting experiences - a project with an orchestra, a visit to a university, working with an artist, an author, a sports coach or the Globe Theatre
* a wider range of after-school clubs and family learning activities - languages, photography, computer skills, literacy, numeracy, sports, music or art
* every child to have the opportunity to explore a sport and learn a musical instrument
The new activities will be built into the day-to-day systems of the school so that they are sustainable and become part of the entitlement of each child

Just imagine
Children will be engaged in real and meaningful learning experiences. They will develop hopes and aspirations by engaging with professionals in a wide range of fields. The activities will form part of a coherent curriculum which will ensure rigour and progression. Every child will develop a talent or strength and the confidence they gain will impact on other areas of their learning.
All our children will love learning and will focus on the "learning skills" that will be essential for success in tomorrow's world
Contact Us
Get in touch with The Candlelight Trust to discover more about our work and how to donate. Either write to us or email us using the details shown below or fill in the form to the right or below.
c/o St John Baptist (Southend) Primary School, Beachborough Rd, Bromley BR1 5RL, UK